Saturday, February 7, 2009

Skeletons In The Closet

Here is something I'm still trying to process.  It was pretty traumatizing when it first happened, and since then I've been working on talking about it more openly rather than keeping it bottled up and rehashing it over and over.  My hope is that by sharing this footage, the stinging humiliation captured therein will be sort of released from my mind, if onto the internet.  


  1. oh groover. i think charlie gave up far to quickly in trying on these overalls. i do believe you owe it to your friends and your growing blog audience to try once again see what you would look like as a clothed person. a grooverson. purroover?

  2. Dear Dillon,

    Thank you for your response, though I can no longer interpret your prolonged absence from my life as anything other than complete abandonment. I hardly think I need to say that this cancels out any genuine concern that I might have gleaned from your cavalier reaction to my abuse.

