Friday, February 6, 2009

A New Beginning

Hi, welcome to my new BLAAAAUUGHHHHWAUUGWAGGG.  

I decided to start writing here because I am tired of this sinking feeling that my early morning dissertations are altogether unappreciated and misunderstood.  On many occasions I have overheard my roommates bitching about my guttural, abrasive, unearthly voice and unbearable volume.  I can't accurately express my disappointment and - yes, anger - over their crass impersonations and outlandish interpretations of my varying speeches, especially given the urgency of the topics I have been trying in vain to discuss.  Suffice it to say that the whole situation has drawn many a tear to my eye, the heaviest of sorrows to my heart, and, on occasion, the swiftest rage to my bear-like paws.  Though my cat-ness leaves me unable to respond out-loud in English (try as I might), I am more than proficient in stomping all over the keyboards of the humans' computing machines.  As such, I intend to embark on this blogging journey with an open mind and a silent mouth, with the sincerest hope that it inspires a more productive inter-species dialogue, and reduces the daily physical and psychological abuse that I currently endure.

My goal is to blog every day, in order to establish a regular pattern of expression and healing, and to encourage steady readership.  I know it will be hard to find time for this between eight-hour nap sessions and my fiendish binges, but I have already thought of some strategies for sticking with it.  For example, right now I am sleeping and writing simultaneously! Some entries will be mundane accounts of my day, some will be intellectual and philosophical meanderings, others sociopolitical rants.  All will have at least one accompanying photo, for visual interest.  As you read, please keep in mind that your comments will represent the other half of this open dialogue, so don't hold back.  

Thank you in advance for your interest and participation!  
Groover Wei


  1. good 4 u groovr u mangy piece of shit1`!!!! jk jk
    we luv u groover we r here 4 you!!

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for your support, but let's try to keep this civilized.


  3. hey groovy

    thanks for coming out with me last night but did we really have to take car services everywhere!!! Also you took more then your fair share of our wonder you stay up all night meowing at Morgan, Jing, Colin and that new kid on the block what's his face rhombus!!!!

  4. Hello Anonymous,

    My warmest thanks for indulging my car service needs - as you may remember my short, fat legs make it hard for me to keep up in the glitzy rush that is Bedford Ave. As for the pcp, it was my understanding that those peppered cat pellets were offered to me. As such, I went to town on those nibblets. Apologies if I took more than appropriate! Rhombus is an alright guy, but I think he should get a water bed.

