Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stormy Waters

Even with this blog I am finding it very hard to keep silent.  Right now, I am yelling and screaming to no one in particular!  Sometimes, my meows are not so much as a full second apart, the effect of which must sound similar to a car alarm.  O how I regret my hateful mid-afternoon tendencies, but I mustn't give up hope that they can be replaced through my use of this blog.  I think I'm going to go slash at my litter box.


  1. gwoooooverrrww why you wook so unhepeeee

  2. Hello Rachel,

    Thank you for your genuine concern! The reason for my grimace is the blinding flash from the daguerrotype machine being used in my face at the time of the picture in question. Oof what a run-on that was! Sometimes I can hardly edit.

