Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 11:59pm

Just dropping by for a quick update... haven't written anything here in a while, I figured it was well past time at this point. So, without further ado, I give you, Updates:

Continuing to be a fucking stupid babbling prick.
That is all, no picture necessary.

Okay, that was great! I feel a lot better now. Alright, time to get back out there, see you fuckers later.


  1. http://cuteoverload.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/att7533488.jpg?w=450&h=600

  2. Rachel -

    I would appreciate in the future your consideration of the fact that I myself am a cat, and accordingly will not react in the same manner as yourself to a picture of a nearly drowned fellow feline. I would call the ASPCA but, luckily for you, I cannot for lack of a proper telephone and opposable thumbs. Please do regard this as a warning for the future.

